Thursday, July 13, 2017

6 Ways To Improve Your Concrete With Decorative Concrete

When you hear stamped concrete, you may immediately think about an exterior patio. However, more homeowners and businesses are rethinking, and choosing to use stamped concrete in various applications. Instead of completing replacing or resurfacing their concrete, stamped overlays can be a cost effective and simpler choice for the following:

    Stamped Concrete for Patio Flooring
  • Restaurants
While many restaurants go with epoxy floor
coatings, newer trends have restaurants using decorative stamped overlays as a focal point. Adding medallions or just adding a simple tiled pattern brings a visual effect that is stimulating, but also easy to keep clean. Our stamped coatings are of a commercial grade so can withstand tough use.
  • Laundry Flooring
While it’s not often you think about indoor residential flooring using stamped concrete, but laundry areas offer a perfect place to utilize a stamped concrete design. Laundry rooms are typically prone to water and detergents spilling. Stamped concrete allows for easy cleaning.
  • Shower
Once again, if you’re thinking about adding a custom shower, use stamped concrete in your design. The finishes are beautiful and you can have them match any tile. Plus, concrete is easier to clean and you can take steps to ensure that the flooring doesn’t get slick. Pair your new concrete floor with stacked stone and you’ll be amazed at the results.
  • Bathrooms
Don’t stop with just designing the shower with tile, fiberglass or concrete. Many people chose stamped concrete to compliment concrete countertops or tiled shower. Our designs can unify the multiple features and create a simplistic look that’s both modern yet functional.
  • The Fire Pit or Fireplace
While you may have already thought about a stamped concrete fire pit, the use of a stamped concrete design on an indoor fireplace may have eluded you. Whether you choose to use indoors or out, a stamped fireplace can bring everlasting beauty to your home or business.
  • Interior Flooring & More..
While many new homes provide open concepts, it helps to separate a large space with different types of furniture, columns and floorings to make the space more intimate and warmer. Many Phoenix homeowners will choose decorative concrete colors or textures to break up large spaces. Faux stone and muted stamping often can blend nicely with your décor. And since many of like to extend our living interior, outside --- how beautiful it is to blend some of the designs inside to outside on your patio concrete.

Stamping Concrete is not just for Phoenix home patios anymore! Whatever you choose to do, you’ll find the right stamp technique to add flare and a great look. If interested in more information, pricing, or if you would like a FREE in person quote, please call us today for an appointment!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Things you need to know about concrete resurfacing in Phoenix

If you live in the Phoenix or surrounding areas, you know just how brutal the Arizona summer heat can be. This heat can also have a significant effect on your pool deck. The Desert City sees, on average, 17 days where temps are 110°F or above. What does this have to do with your pool deck? In direct sunlight, the concrete surrounding your pool can get up to 30 degrees higher than the air temperature. A Kool Deck can only be installed when your concrete is poured. But, what do you do when your Kool Deck needs repairs? Ultimate has you covered- and is known for doing 5 star work when it comes to Phoenix concrete resurfacing!

When Your Kool Deck Isn't So Cool Anymore

Over time, your Kool Deck can fade, crack, and sustain damages. Our team of professionals has the experience and expertise to transform your damaged and faded Kool Deck, bringing it back to life. We only use the highest-quality materials that are completely comparable and compatible with CoolDeck and designed specifically for repairs.

Phoenix Concrete Resurfacing
These products are only available to select professionals, and can't be purchased in home improvement stores. If you find yourself tempted to repair your pool deck or patio flooring yourself, don't. Repair and resurfacing kits sold at home improvement stores are incredibly substandard in quality and applications. (Not to mention the lack of a guarantee.) With Ultimate on your side, your project will come with an unconditional, 100% satisfaction guarantee that will remain in force for as long as you own your home.


The Ultimate Experience

With one phone call to Ultimate Concrete Coatings, you are well on your way to a gorgeous, newly repaired cool concrete pool deck. Our professionals are dedicated to offering superior service and workmanship on each and every project. Contact us today for more information about your pool deck repair or resurfacing needs. Our professional staff can answer any questions you may have. If you live within 100 miles of downtown Phoenix, our visit will be completely FREE.